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Green Focus


We have always internally been passionate about how Rock and Bowl is the small festival with a big heart. It's one of the reasons we all love working as part of the Rock and Bowl team.


But why is this so important to us? And what do we do to achieve this?




This year we will be installing a public free water point in the main arena. Please feel free to bring your own (EMPTY) reusable water containers or any unopened bottles of water (that can later be refilled). Please note that we cannot allow opened bottles in at the gate. We will have a limited supply of containers next to the point as well.


Green tinted glasses


Held on the Market Drayton Picnic Area in Shropshire, we have the most perfect, boutique location to hold our Festival. However, for the rest of the year it's a town location where the residents of Market Drayton walk their dogs, have family picnics and go to play a game of football. We have this in the for-front of our minds when festival planning, making sure we leave our precious festival area in the best shape possible after each event.


Also, this year we have taken a big step forward and decided to only sell tickets online. Although a lot of our festival-goers have previously purchased paper tickets from local vendors, we're putting our best green foot forward for 2019. By limited our ticket sales to just online, we can reduce our paper usage and save some trees!



Plastic measures


It's the hot topic at the moment! However, we've always tried to be plastic conscious, by offering a discount for bar patrons by using our Stack Cups. Whilst the stack cups are made of plastic, it reduces the need of disposable plastic beer glasses for every drink. And were pleased to say it has drastically reduced our litter and plastic usage over the years.


Also the bar will only be using bio-degradable straws to serve with drinks, so you can sip with an empty conscious!





For those that have been to Rock and Bowl Festival before, you'll know each of our sets are packed with lighting shows, brought to us by industry professionals such as Nic Farman Lighting & Ashley Heritage Lighting. However, did you know all of our stage lighting and screens are LED? This means much less power consumption per light used. And over the weekend, that's a LOT of power consumption saved!



Music to our ears


No festival is complete without an amazing sound system - and ours certainly packs a punch! What might surprise you to know is that we use a modern, digital sound system which uses less power than a conventional one of the same size! Also, because of the technology we use, this ultimately means less sound pollution to the town and neighbouring residents. We work closely with Shropshire council to ensure we meet all sound restrictions for the event too.



It's quite easy, being GREEN!


With thanks to one of our main sponsors, AR Richards, we are able to recycle all of our Festival refuse and waste, as the team at AR Richards kindly donate us a number of skips to ensure we can responsibly deal with our refuse.


We have a team of litter pickers who operate before, during and after each day of the festival, and we always aim to leave the site looking tidier and more litter-free than when we arrived!



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