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7 things to bring to Rock and Bowl Festival 2018

Stuck for what you need to bring with you to Rock and Bowl Festival this year? Here's our tips on what to pack to make your weekend the best it can be!

Rockstar Aviators

...Or sunglasses of any kind! In true Shropshire-style, we're remaining positive for the weather, so make sure to pack your sunnies!

Happy festival goer at shropshire festival Rock and Bowl

Yes... a coat!

Although we're remaining positive that we'll have a little sun this year, you'll need your coat. Excuse us for our 'mum moment' but it gets colder in the evening, and we see too many people shivering on their way out!

floral headbands at shropshire festival rock and bowl

Flower Headbands

The true mark of festival, floral headbands are the best way to get into the swing of things. We'll have a vendor coming to site to sell her floral creations so be sure to locate her in the crowd! (Just look for the lady holding all the hairbands)

family and friends at shropshire rock and bowl festival

Bring the gang!

Whether that be your family, friends, partner, dancing buddy, your bestie - make sure you bring them along to Rock and Bowl 2018!

man playing air guitar at rock and bowl festival

Dodgy Dance-moves

Big fish, little fish, intense air guitar... we want to see them all. Unleash your inner self and let go of your inhibitions - Its Rock and Bowl!

festival goers taking a selfie at rock and bowl festival

Selfie swagger

We're afraid to say it, but selfies are here to stay. But that's not a bad thing! Keep your eye out, as this year we'll have our very own Rock and Bowl Festival

snapchat filter!

rock and bowl festival stack cups

Rock and Bowl Cup!

Be sure to get yourself a stack cup from the bar, as you'll save yourself a fortune over the weekend. You can take away as a memento of the festival too! 


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